One way i found out to relieve my back pain is water. Straight up water. I feel my muscles were dehydrated for years. Which led to years of pain. Don't do what i did. Drink lots of water. It might be the answer you need, and it doesn't have to take you years to realize. And i'm talking gallons. A gallon a day at least. » Continue Reading
Does anyone know how to do the HTML thing? Also since Xmas or ''holiday'' ive drank 2 1/2 gallons. PRO TIP put a gallon of water in the bathroom. ( in a clean spot ) and drink it as you piss. P out, W in. Peace out » Continue Reading
So i guess Lennon, the music guy sold his soul to the devil. Said that he sold his soul and 20 years later he was going to be killed by the devil and it happened. 20 years after whats his face Jared Leto whom read the Catcher in or of the rye idk killed him bc he said his music had demonic messages innit. Also Alice Cooper got his stage name from a quija board. It told him he was a reincarnation o... » Continue Reading
Dude i fucking bought at least 160 cards today. Merry Christmas stuff. Thanks to my father, mother, brothers, and brothers GF Fucking tight my dudes. Did yall check the channels yet. WTF jk Byye » Continue Reading
HELLO Today is Christmas. The day i used to look forward to. Just kidding. Today has been a fantastic day. My brother Cyle has a channel i work on and its loads of fun. i'll pop the link below. But this year has been shit. I switched jobs and some other private shit went down. BUT i just got loads of cash from the family and live couldn't be better. My car passed inspection even though 900 ppl sai... » Continue Reading
Merry xmas eve everyone. Its going to be a great day yall. Wont be with the fam today or tomorrow but its aight. Hope well to you and yours. » Continue Reading