!! BRIXTON !! HELLO I'm Brixton/Bri ^_^ I like The Pals, Minecraft, Roblox, collecting, and game consoles (mainly Xbox.) Pls feel free to add me ONLY if you would like to be my friend! I highly discourage friend collectors :( It makes me feel kinda put to the side. All my socials are usually named as kriminalklown or brixtoons! My username on Roblox is Bubbly_dinos80x and my gamer tag for Xbox is... » Continue Reading
HI CHAT!!!!!!! I like games and I offer people to play them with me! Here are my usernames and such! XBOX GAMER TAG/MINECRAFT: HORRIBLECORE ROBLOX USERNAME: Bubbly_dinos80x I do have a switch but I totes forgot my SW xD I'll update this as I remember my game stuff!!1 Tell me when u add me :33 » Continue Reading
NOTE FROM BRIXTON ( The yapper! ) This is a big rant of anything Your Favorite Martian. Generation 1-2. Before I start talking there are a few warnings. Your Favorite Martian has some sexual, crude and a bit of problematic songs/lyrics and scenes that I will mention. 1. What is Your Favorite Martian?: Your Favorite Martian is a musical project by Ray William Johnson that first started in 2011 and ... » Continue Reading