NOTE FROM BRIXTON ( The yapper! )
This is a big rant of anything Your Favorite Martian. Generation 1-2. Before I start talking there are a few warnings. Your Favorite Martian has some sexual, crude and a bit of problematic songs/lyrics and scenes that I will mention.
1. What is Your Favorite Martian?: Your Favorite Martian is a musical project by Ray William Johnson that first started in 2011 and ended in 2012 AND THEN later came back in 2022. Their first song is My Balls being a part of the sub-genre, Meme Rap. Ray has also worked on other Meme Rap projects his most famous being "Doin' Your Mom" by FAttY SPiNS, this is also known as the song that started Meme Rap.
2. Who are the members?: There are four members, Puff Puff Humbert, Benatar, DeeJay Johnson, and Axel Chains. All the members are men in their early 20s. Puff is the lead singer, he usually wears a red hoodie with a white YFM logo shirt underneath, he has spiky brown hair and wears black glasses. Puff has two jobs, one including being the lead singer of Your Favorite Martian the other being a waiter at a restaurant called La Merde. La Merde is mentioned in Your Favorite Martian The Series and Eff This Job. Puffs voice actor is Ray William Johnson. Benatar is the keytarist, pianist, guitarist, and sings in some YFM songs ( having one solo song currently ). Benatar has blonde hair with side bangs and wears a blue short sleeve suit with a white undershirt and tie on top. He is the only british member. Unlike the other members, Benatar has no official last name. Benatar has multiple voice actors, Velcro Love Party, Jesse Cale, Ray William Johnson, and Ethan C. DeeJay Johnson, stage name DeeJay The DJ being the band's DJ ( If it wasn't obvious enough ). DeeJay wears a light blue track suit with a yellow line going down the left. He has a black afro that sometimes covers his eyes and shows his eyes. He is the only black member of the band. Like Benatar, he also has multiple voice actors such as Rick Carter, BigRob, Ray William Johnson, and Stefan Johnson. Axel Chains is the drummer of the band, he can also play guitar but he just rolls with drums. He has long shaggy brown hair and wears a grey t-shirt with a skull. He has a pet hawk named Vincent in the series and in the latest song " Real Girl ". Like the other two, Benatar and DeeJay, Axel has multiple voice actors such as Ray William Johnson, Steve Greene, and Christian Erik.
This is gen 1.5 / phase 2 if you even care...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
3. What happened to YFM?: There is a reason Ray shut down the musical project Your Favorite Martian. As YFM went on hiatus to make their album, Maker Studios wanted the rights to Rays other project, Equals 3. In the series, Ray would review up to three videos and would talk to the forum in the early years of Equals 3. Sadly in 2014, Ray retired from Equals 3 and began to work on other projects. Maker wanted the rights to Equals 3 and so along, Rays YouTube channels. This ended up with Ray breaking up with Maker Studios and Maker getting all the rights YFM. Maker was later bought by Disney and then Disney decided to cancel Maker giving Ray the rights back around early 2017. On May 14th, 2022, Ray decided to tell everybody Your Favorite Martian would be coming back June 1st 2022. After this, Your Favorite Martian was renewed and is still making music.
Music Section!
WOAH ANOTHER AUTHORS NOTE!!! This is the music section where I talk about the songs with my own opinions meaning my writing might get messy for when I'm excited i will try and fix it later on. These songs will be in order from first song to the latest song. Thank you for reading this far! I really appreciate it!!! Okay bye ONTO THE NEXT SECTION!!
1. My Balls - Audio released December 24th 2010 - Video released January 26th 2011 - First YFM song - Studio Ladybug - Gen 1/Phase 1
My Balls was the first released song and it describes Your Favorite Martian perfectly. Your Favorite Martian is all about immature and crude humor. In this song Puff is singing to a woman about how biiiiiiiiiiiig his balls are and how they should get back together. This song is TOTALLY go onto my top five gen 1 songs! This is a Your Favorite Martian song EVERYONE should know I feel.
2. Zombie Love Song - Full video released February 9th 2011 - Second YFM Song - Studio Ladybug - Gen 1/Phase 1
Zombie Love Song was the second released song and it describes the more serious part of Your Favorite Martian. I think it's great to see comedy get serious sometimes, while this song is still humorous it still touches on a lovely topic. The song also describes online relationships so well! Get it cause cause.
3. Bottles Of Beer -
This rant does not end here. I am just simply taking breaks in between the writing slightly trying to update it everyday. If there are writing mistakes those will also be fixed when updated. - Brixton !
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💥pierce ╾━╤デ╦︻
i love yfm
REAAALL !!!!!!!
real!!! benatar is the best member
by 💥pierce ╾━╤デ╦︻; ; Report
he has always been my favourite. missed out on his plush tho
by 💥pierce ╾━╤デ╦︻; ; Report
NOO He will Be Real for you one day….