After a good bit of time away from this site i am now back and on a new pc! though this pc will take some time to get it to my liking but for now it works and is sorta functional? though it is a used one there was minor flaws but i can get it hammered out I hope » Continue Reading
So next month i might be moving to oklahoma this will be the first time i live out of my home state I will miss it but I guess its time to make a new fresh start hope it goes well in the end » Continue Reading
So I've been heavy on gaming all my life it was a staple of who I was for so long but I feel like the scene has been slowing down for me to the point I became bored and I dont really know what I want to get into. I am not big on sports or cars I do collect thing that spark my interest that is'nt overly expensive I got a small plushie collection going because who doesnt love something to snuggle wh... » Continue Reading
Been away for some time but I'm here lifes be rough at times with remembering my mom who past fall out of a few friends from my small friend group but with the downs theres been an up i found someone and its been over 6 months but it doesnt feel like that long they actually make me happy. Been also gaming a bit with the new pokemon game and what not which is fun but yea small update be small been ... » Continue Reading
Its hard for a guy in this day in age even harder if you are ugly/heavy/birth conditions applied now im heavy BECAUSE of birth conditions and im not the greatest looking but i do make attempts just to get nowhere and since im bi i try with men also but thats few and far between of everything.... i know i seem like im complaining but im just venting to get this out of my brain....this all hurts in ... » Continue Reading
All my upper jaw teeth are now gone...Dont get me wrong it had to be done for all the right reasons...Prader Willi Syndrome was the source even if you do take care of your teeth even with Prader Willi Syndrome it still takes a lot from you like your teeth, the ability to have control on eating, the ability to lose the weight you gain....and it affects you in those ways as love » Continue Reading
I figured I write my first entry for here to say welcome to my little slice of Spacehey i loved the concept of the classic myspace look (I think thats why most of us are here) plus its like a nice break from facebook » Continue Reading