Myster Bug

Were-thing & Punk
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— 2 Kudos
Snow In The South
Category: Life
It snowed this week here in Texas. The last time this happened was back in 2017, so it was exciting to see it again. However knowing the reason it snowed relates back to the climate crisis is really depressing, so it leaves me with mixed feelings. So instead, enjoy this photo I took from my backyard that looks like a desolate wasteland of snow lol Also I almost slipped and fell on ice when walking... » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
My First Blog
Category: SpaceHey
Dear readers, I am new here and very excited. I had only just heard of this site/app and I can't wait to start using it more often. I love how its styled like how social media sites use to look back in the 90s and early 2000s, so theres a novelty in that (being nostalgic for a time I missed by a hair that I would have experienced if I was born just a bit earlier). I wanted to join because I w... » Continue Reading