Prologue. You couldn’t quite believe your luck, even after the three years you had been in a relationship with Wedge Antilles. He had effectively saved your life, in so many ways. The two of you had met when he had been part of the Imperial Navy and you had been engaged to a high ranking Imperial official. You came from » Continue Reading
The air surrounding the lower marshes was muggy that morning and Sabe tapped the blunt end of her bandashe'r against the soft ground, testing its stability. The marshlands were tricky; a relatively dry patch of soil could turn into a deadly pool of quickmire within s » Continue Reading
It had been snowing on and off for the past couple of weeks. Rey had wanted a white Christmas and now it looked like she would get your wish. Rey were thankful that both she and her boyfriend, Kylo, were remote workers. At least that way neither of them had to worry about getting to an office. Their apartment was big enough that they had an office which they both shared. It had all they could ask ... » Continue Reading
I made an account on here then I totally forgot the name of the site, so I wasn't able to come back and use my account about a year. But I finally remembered what the website was called this evening and logged back in. I plan to start using this site for cosplay and fanfiction related posts once I get into a routine with regularly logging in and creating and such like. » Continue Reading