ok so pretty trivial, but i got the spacehey mobile app and found that i could easily change a few colors on my page so thats what i did https://user-uploads.perchance.org/file/43dd098ccec9c005f6405676554e811a.png » Continue Reading
ok so for today i just filled out the info boxes and used a few simple tags i could remember from school like and tbh i think its an improvement already https://user-uploads.perchance.org/file/ce4b2c509ab8b4c53226c21adcdfac21.png i couldnt upload the screenshot as it was so i had to upload it to perchance. you dont really need to see it, its just for me to see my own progress » Continue Reading
I feel like if I compel myself to keep blogging about my progress in learning how to code to decorate my profile, I'll end up working on it more and a lot more efficiently... Yeah, I'll do that. » Continue Reading
Hello Spacehey! I've been on this website for about a week now, scouring the internet for tutorials on how to edit my profile (because I slept when they caught me coding in school) and now am in quite a pickle. I don't know how to edit my profile. I have gotten the gist of a few things - I can use themes from the Spacehey "Layouts", but I can't edit one or make my own. I know I have to enter the c... » Continue Reading