Since I'm now embracing the mid-2000s completely, I figured it would be fitting with a new personal website! It's just a start, so there isn't an awful lot. But it has a codebase from 2005, and is very much period correct. (there is also https for you casual normies) » Continue Reading
After years of using streaming music and podcast services, I finally got sick of it all, with their algorithms trying to "improve" things constantly.. Take Spotify for example. Instead of notifying you about newly released podcast episodes from podcasts you're subscribing to, it instead shoves those to the back and promotes completely different podcasts, forcing you to manually search for the ones... » Continue Reading
I figured, since this is a place somewhat reflecting my youth, I'd set a fitting background on my profile page. Also because this image, which started out as a joke a while ago, has become some kind of staple for my old Apple computer shenanigans as of late. I now unironically use it as a wallpaper. » Continue Reading