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Category: Life

Embrace tradition

After years of using streaming music and podcast services, I finally got sick of it all, with their algorithms trying to "improve" things constantly..

Take Spotify for example. Instead of notifying you about newly released podcast episodes from podcasts you're subscribing to, it instead shoves those to the back and promotes completely different podcasts, forcing you to manually search for the ones you're subscribing to, to even see them. Disgusting.

So, me being me.. Long-time geek and all. I recently started buying old CDs and blank cassette tapes again. This to listen to CD at home, and make mixtapes to listen to on my sports walkman while out and about. I've dabbled with old portable media such as MiniDisc and old iPods a bunch previously, and am still using those as well.

Like a motnh ago I also picked up a 13 year old iMac, which I'm amusingly enough using as daily driver computer right now. I decided to give iTunes a proper try on that. So I imported most of my music collection to that, to categorize, organize and sort everything. This also enabled the use of my iPod Video 5th gen. as it was meant. I'm primarily using that to listen to podcasts, which can still be downloaded directly in iTunes still.

So I'm hopping between listening to music in iTunes, MiniDisc or on CD at home, and tape, MiniDisc or an iPod while I'm out. I've found it to work really well!

Nothing is preventing you from using old tech just because some new shiny thing has come along.

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PolarisPolanski's profile picture

I don't understand how people subscribe to all these things! I just download everything as an mp3 file. Then I upload it to my phone!

I used to have a small mp3 player in high school, so I was used to just uploading things manually.

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Yeah, I used it for quite some time, because it's a decent way to find new tracks. But over all it's just really annoying to deal with, and things like the content not playing when the cell coverage is bad etc. It's so much better to just load up a local device a lot and use that instead!

by Headcrash; ; Report