Category: Life
https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=478554 the link is safe /srs » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=478554 the link is safe /srs » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I saw everyone do pre-summer stats but saw no one give their post-summer ones so here I am lolz I started university today and I don't know if I like it yet so we'll have to see!!! (I'm going for an art degree) Name: Oméga Age: 17 Job: None :( Tattoos: 3 small stick n poke I did myself Piercings: 4 lobes » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Summer really is here!! Almost done with school and my exams and I'm already starting to go to parties!!!! I need to do a summer bucket list lol but for now here are my pre-summer stats!!! Name: Oméga Age: 17 Job: None :( Tattoos: 3 small stick n poke I did myself Piercings: 4 lobes Kiss count: Too much to count Body count: 2 Status: Taken and he's monogamory Happiness 7/10 Stress 4/10 » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
I'm done with my exams this month!!! I think I did ok and even pretty good :D » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Hehehe Gave myself a little stick n poke as a treat before my exams I'msostressedpleasehelp :D If I do well on my exams I'll give myself another one as a present :D » Continue Reading
Category: Life
My fellow neurodivergent and autistic people » Continue Reading
Category: Life
TW VENT!!! Idk what's happening to me lately but I'm not really feeling 100% safe with my friend group :(((( It's making me sad because I really like them but sometimes they'll say thing against me without even realizing it and it just makes me want to burry myself into a hole and never crawl back to the surface :((( » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I like it when I straighten my hair!!! I look like a real emo and I lOvE it!!!! » Continue Reading
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
OH MI GOSH GUYS!!!! I applied for a character in a show like just a little person a little guy and they are filming during the holidays AND the actors get paid!!! So I applied because I always wanted to try and act because it's kinda different than cosplay and not quite like theater either so!!! I applied two days ago- AND AND AND I GOT ACCEPTED!!! Now I need to film myself as like an introducti... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
It didn't happen :(((( sad :((( But we still had two hours to eat so we ate outside and my meal with an ice cream and a monster can XDDD but then I ate two apples during maths class :))) It was fun we played on Movie Star Planet together and sat in the sun just having a good time!!!! I'm happy and I got to go home early » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Maybe- JUST maybe... I'll be able to go on a picnic with my friends???? But only if our maths class isn't put 2 hours before it's supposed to... so I can got and have some fun in the sun with my homies :D I hope it'll happen!!!!! :33 » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
LMAOOOOOO the teachers in charge of my class hate us so much they straight up revoked their position as class' teacher just to be regular teacher XDDDD So now we kinda have to do everything by ourselves and since it's our last year we have exams to pass and college to apply to so... We are kinda fucked? X(((( I personally don't care that much since I plan on working next year but still x((( kinda ... » Continue Reading