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Category: Blogging

FILE 002 : 120423-1 - PERSONAL LOG


Personal Log for Mission 120323-83-2146449-0001
Entry 1

One day has passed since my assignment. I wouldn't expect to see much success in my mission on the first day, of course. But the progress I've made has been, surprisingly, not insignificant. I've at the very least, added folks to my "Friends List", which has to account for something, right? It's not like we're talking much yet, but it's certainly a start.

But therein lies the issue. Talking. Actually socializing. Making myself known in forums and chats. Actually MEETING people. That's going to be a struggle for me.

I don't know how to make friends.

Maybe that's why I was given this assignment. Maybe they want to train my social skills. I admit, I hadn't expected interacting socially to be a large part of my job with the agency, but in retrospect it seems obvious. Especially if they're going in the direction I think they might be.

...So if I need to learn to be social, where should I start?
I suppose finding forum topics I'm interested in could be a start, but I'll need to put in the work to stay active in them. Or at least not come off as an idiot. That would be counterproductive to the mission. That would make it difficult to make friends.

Maybe I could look at intriguing bulletins? See what the folks on my friends list are talking about? That could be a decent start, they're already claiming to be "Friends" with as much emphasis as SpaceHey cares to give. Blog posts could be useful as well. Leaving comments would probably be helpful.

I think that's about it? Unless I can find some reason to message someone directly, but that seems a little too personal for my tastes. Maybe leaving profile comments at the most. That could work.

Okay. Okay. I think I've got a plan of action now. All that's left is to hope I know what to do once I get there.

Alright. Day 2. Let's do this.

ADDENDUM: Ooh, groups!

2 Kudos


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