RUE, RAMONA's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

FILE 003 : 120523-1 - PERSONAL LOG


Personal Log for Mission 120323-83-2146449-0001
Entry 2

I'm making this entry rather late. At this very moment, it is just past 11 PM in my local time zone. Less than an hour away from midnight.

The fact of the matter is, I have little to report for today's progress. I have been posting in forums, and yesterday I even had a brief conversation with someone over direct messages. I should message them again soon.

The people here are intriguing. Colorful, varied, each one is unique. I find myself fascinated by some of the profiles I see. The various groups, the things people make blog entries and bulletins for. I want to become a part of it.

Of course, I can't force anything. My best bet is to keep at what I'm doing, and hope a conversation sparks eventually. Hopefully, I can at least become acquainted with someone here. I'll consider that much a small victory.

Not much else to report. Oh well. Not every day can be eventful.

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