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A question (?)

What are social medias? What are they useful for?

An answer (!)

Social medias are websites on the Internet that are useful for communicating with people around the world. Such websites or applications on the phone are the best way to correspond with friends or meet new people who may live in distant countries.

But... (!?)

Problem of security

But what exactly are social medias? As everything in this world has its virtues and flaws, the Internet, that is, social medias has a downside that can be quite risky at any cost. To start with security, on social networks there is improved communication, posting of photos and the ability to comment on posts and this can actually threaten our security. How? For example, by posting photos of you that show your face, where you are currently or where you live, etc. you will compromise your identity and location, which should be private on social networks. Danger can occur if a person with the intention of endangering you sees what you look like and where you are, that is, where you live. In the worst case scenario, danger can arise if photos with revealed identity and location are seen by a person who is from abroad and who also intends to endanger your life. Of course, we can correspond with our trusted friends, but when we meet strangers, they can also extract our personal information even though our posting account is private or locked. This can happen if we have too much trust in strangers. 

Problem of correspodence (texting)

Correspondence on the Internet, how does it affect us? On interactive websites and apps, there is a messaging option called: instant messaging or simultaneous messaging. Such messages do not have to be written like a letter or email, so there is a problem. When we get used to writing informally, then some correct expressions in speech are forgotten, synonyms for some words are forgotten, even grammar itself is forgotten. Why is it so? Mostly because of the purpose of using simultaneous messages, such messages are short and sent quickly, we correspond more with friends, family and relatives than with business partners, professors and other important persons. Just because an instant message does not have to be written in the form of an email, most people have no need for formality. Formality is associated with grammar and vocabulary, but even informality can be expressed in proper writing.


In addition to posting photos, we can post texts and videos on social networks. From such content is created your blog, content in written form, and vlog, content in recorded form. Thus, people who publish long texts are bloggers, and people who publish videos are called vloggers. These people are actually famous influencers, who can promote or advertise anything and publicly state their position about something or someone. First we start with the problems themselves, what is it like to be an influencer? Being known on a social network as a vlogger or blogger requires the opinion of viewers and readers who follow your content that you publish. The risk of this is to encounter primitive or jealous people who comment all kinds of things, even do all kinds of things with your content to hurt your feelings and make you stop doing what you love to do. This can lead to mental health problems in some cases. There are high quality influencers and non-exemplary influencers. It is precisely those influencers who are not exemplary that should receive the most bad reviews and advice for a healthy start in what they do. That's why we question the risk of promoting harmful behavior. Because of bad influencers promoting harmful behavior, many of the younger generations who use social media, but even younger generations who really shouldn't be using social media at all, look up to bad influencers and start causing problems in society. What's another mistake influencers can make?


Influencers can be the most informed people on the internet, but sometimes it doesn't really turn out that way. That's why even the most famous people on the Internet sometimes promote misinformation. What is disinformation? Another problem with social networks that has not been solved even today, disinformation is fake news, which can be released to the public out of malicious intent or simply out of ignorance about the news itself. An example of this could be giving bad face care advice, either because they want readers or viewers to have bad facial skin or because they don't know that some of those products are harmful to facial skin. Another example could be releasing misinformation to the public about a celebrity, either because they want to embarrass or threaten that public figure or because they have heard wrong information about them. Misinformation is a big problem on social media because it spreads quickly, like any other information. They can also disrupt a healthy lifestyle and sometimes even cause 2 or more people or groups of people to fight because of the misunderstanding created by that one piece of misinformation. Disinformation can be poorly protected and well protected. Poorly protected disinformation does not have full proof to have good protection against recognition, that is why they are the easiest to recognize. But those that are well protected are not so easily recognized because the evidence for that information can also be fabricated and very logically placed. 

Solutions (?!)


What are the potential solutions to the problems and risks of social medias? How can we stay safe on social media? On social medias such as Instagram, Facebook, Tik-Tok and many others, there is an option to set your account to be private or public. If your account is meant for your personal life, that is, if you post photos of your face and where you go or live, it's best to set that account to private, because only people you trust will be able to see your account. In correspondence, share your personal information only with people you know in person or people you trust. If you are in a situation where a stranger is writing to you, never reveal what you look like, where you live, how old you are, etc. because such information may be misused.

Correspondence (texting)

How to introduce spelling in informal conversations? First, it is necessary to renew the grammar of the mother tongue itself, if you have not already. If there is a problem with finding synonyms or correct expressions, you can always find them on Google or some other search engine. The only exception where spelling does not have to be used in informal correspondence is jokes. Since jokes themselves are informal and to achieve the goal of making a person laugh. 


Some influencers accept that risk of bad reviews and sometimes ignore them. If you, as a good influencer, set a generally good example of behavior, then negative comments and criticism should not touch you. But if at some point you realize that you are setting a bad example for your readers or viewers, and how it is acceptable to receive some criticism or comment that describes the reality of your work as an influencer. After accepting the criticism, we keep in mind what we can correct and what we can work on more. Sometimes a bad influencer needs to start all over again in order to have a complete transformation. And as for the bad influencers who just don't want to accept reality and work on themselves, that's their problem and one day they'll definitely see where they went wrong if someone or something finally opens their eyes. 


Another problem that can be solved is misinformation. How? Simply, if you hear a news, check it by doing a little research and later you will know what kind of news you heard. If, on the other hand, you are an influencer or a journalist, check if the news is true, and only then spread it further. There is no potential solution to the problem of people deliberately spreading misinformation other than to double check what they are sharing and think about whether they are doing it on purpose or out of ignorance.


milica (me)

See also:

simple dreams of a simple kid

Please love yourself, this is a request;

#2Fast food restaurants and bakeries should not be near schools

Fast food restaurants and bakeries should not be near school


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