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Please love yourself, this is a request

Hello, dear readers

I've always thought about this topic through my life and i've tired to discuss with my friends but they didn't agree with me. I know some of you won't agree too but I've just wanted to express what i think to the bigger number of people. Also for the start, I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings or to make reader's situation worse than it is now, and also English isn't my first language so you'll may find some mistakes in this blog. And if this topic triggers you in any way, please skip this blog right now.

Okay, now to the actual topic. So the title says "Please love yourself, this is a request" and I, who wrote the title, really think that. Because I think that's the most important thing in life, you firstly have to take care of yourself and then of others who you love. Now, I know that someone will be like: "But how? I really hate myself..." or something like that, but you know what others say? Taking small steps is a good start. Because I know that every beginning is hard and loving yourself and taking care of yourself requires lots of effort for the ones that hates themselves and wants to fix themselves in that aspect of life. Having a motivation to love yourself is a first and really small step to the success, and I really know how hard is to make that little step.

Well, now you want to take care of yourself, how do you do it? What are the ways? From where do you start? 

The answer is: "Accept yourself"

Yes, you read it well, accept yourself. Accept the flaws you have, the insecurities, the things that makes you hate yourself. This step, is really hard, I know that so well. But once you push yourself to do something, and do it over and over again, you'll go with the flow.

What is my expirience? 

I had to first find out what actually triggers the hate on my body or in my personality. I started with looks, because I figured out that looks doesen't matter that much if you view it from the "I was born this way" perspective. Yes, I know that sounds easy but it's hard to do, but try starting looking yourself at the mirror, try focusing on what you like on yourself. After you express something that you like on yourself, try to look at something that seems ugly to you on yourself. Well, everyone has their view of beauty, but you have to be flexibile when it comes to you, to accept it. 

I was born with total cleft lip, yes I had operations when I was little, but it was to enable basic functions (to breathe easily, eat easily etc...). Through the time, I didn't know if people are supposted to look like that or if everyone is supposted to look like someone or something, but nobody is supposted to look, because everyone looks unique as they were born, like you. I did accept my flaws in looks, but it was hard, I believe it's hard to everyone, but I also believe that you can do it, no matter what. You only need the will to do it, once you have it, nothing can stop you.

For the personality, I'm still working on it... As I'm growing older I find out more flaws that I have and try to accept them or (if it's possible) fix them. Well... Human's personality is a really complex concept, as it has many topics in it and sometimes it's complicated to explain, like "Why am I acting like this?" "How come that I'm not as kind as them" etc and etc... So that's why you have to go through some proccesses to fully accept yourself, because life's full of adventures. Also, how do you accept your flaws in personality? That also comes with a little longer time period... For example, when I was younger I was so impulsive and emotion expressible to the point i could physically fight with someone, now I'm trying to control that anger or to cope by crying or something else... Well, this is more about emotions in the previous sentence, but what I am trying to say is that, you find the way through the time. I mean, you can ask for the advice anytime and anyone who's kind to you, but still you have to face it by yourself. As I'm saying it again, accept it. If it's so bad, try to fix it by lowering it down like I did, but accept it and say "This is okay, that's who I am". 

I won't be writing more about this part of this topic because I'm not much experinced in accepting my personality because I'm still in the process of accepting it.

For the end I just wanted to say that loving and taking care of yourself makes your mood a lot of better (I mean not just your mood, it comes with mental health too in some cases). 

So if you want to help yourself, I'm encouraging you to start accepting and loving yourself! Because you can do it! You're the creator of your life and that's why I know that you have a big power to do so!

That's it for today, thank you for reading!!

Sending love ❤️❤️❤️


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