does anyone know anything about mermaiding? I am starting to get interested in mermaiding and I wonder if there are any mermaids that can talk about what their experience is like being a mermaid? (for anyone that doesn't know, search up mermaiding) » Continue Reading
I just want to know if anyone has any tips for self-love/self-care, I have been feeling very sluggish and just recently I have realized my old mistakes and faults and I'm trying to move forward in life but at the same time, I do want some advice and help from someone. I am finally starting to love myself and let go of things I cannot control yet I would like some tips as of how to move forward and... » Continue Reading
If u fall under this category, I want you to know that ur super cool and that your interests are valid and if someone makes fun of you for liking hello kitty or my little pony then honestly walk away bc they ain't at ur level of awesomeness » Continue Reading
Yall why do my blinkies keep changing even tho I don't change them ToT like some of them keep changing to things I didn't put and idk if it's a glitch or if someone is messing with my account like helpppppp ;^; » Continue Reading