DOMINIC HOMANSON MODERN WHIG institute of Henry Clay Presidential Candidate my city hall online listens to me and 16th and Jamaicai is a safer place even if there is no fires. » Continue Reading
Domestic Sus Pig Critically Endangered @dominicpeacenf · 1m China one child policy ended in 2016 have 200 children 100 male and 100 female and stop killing Dogs and Cats so the children and teens have something to play with, and to have companions and guardians at their homes. Gays should help populate china they have nice hair. The Chinese Government needs to pay them to have children the solutio... » Continue Reading
In Tijuana, Prevencasa has responded to around 500 fentanyl overdoses in the last couple of years Fetanyl in Mexico! oh my gawd the anihumals animen and aniwomen will inherit the earth set up 5g in Tijuana Prevencasa, in my Color » Continue Reading
You sure would be missed and a Devil named Booze would have killed you CUZ cous One ran off the road a different cous and someone else was affected RIP this was YEARS um years ago. Booze Devil is trying to take away two cousins. somone I know almost died from alcholol again black stuff coming up his body Second Blood Transfusion Can't say Names I pray you ditch that evil booze stop the drinking fo... » Continue Reading
Hubertdom Anthony Homanisson HOMAN IS BETTER Than donald trump and joe biden He prefers joe biden, likes Obama though hopes it wasnt the head he was saying to Patty Costello he didn't know what she was talking about she was mouthing off like a mad hatter. » Continue Reading
Lot of homes destroyed??? Great song but these TV Television Drugads are are terrible they'd do more harm then good U2 a cancer vaccine You too blessings. Too much anime heard Elemental crashed disney, Flash with michael keaton flopped wasn't hi » Continue Reading
How could my PHIG party ever die out if be banned future if I dont make it to see me congradulated Anthony Prayer selects he's the founder of the PHIG PARTY Dominic Homan aka pen name Homannison, Palin, Torrie Wilson, Rick Santorum to be the four PHIGS President's POTUSES. » Continue Reading
PHIK PARTY USA Dominic Anthony Homannison President One Month Sarah Palin a year, Torrie Wilson a year Fiorina Rick Santorum 3 years If I make it.... FOOKU FOOKME PHIKMEFIKU HENRY CLAY DREAM the dreamer Anthony Pray. LETS PRAY FOR PHIGS AND God loving Whigs for equality except from LGTBQIA. Kari Lake likes trump though Marjorie is more obsessed with donald trump. » Continue Reading