[VNTH] Digital Cheese

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"Reading The Bible"

15M, USA, Englishman

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I've Decided To Become A Polyglot

Category: Blogging

As of today, I've decided to start becoming a polyglot. This'll be a rather hard task, but I am willing to do it even though it will take several years. I currently know English, but am learning French as of this time (I can use it, albeit very poorly and I often don't know what word I need to describe something). The current list of languages I intend to learn are the following: Latin, Greek, Ger... » Continue Reading

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I joined

Category: SpaceHey

I recently heard of this site. I never used original Myspace though. Heard of this on Bwitter and SubRocks. I make animations I guess. I like video games too. » Continue Reading

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SpaceHey On Terminal

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Currently writing this blog on a terminal browser, honestly I have to admit that it works far better than I actually thought it would. It's actually a tiny bit more usable than 3DSPaint, however 3DSPaint is less useable because of the fact that I am unable to login to the website whereas here I am actually able to login to anything, which I find a major convenience to have. I do wish 3DSPaint didn... » Continue Reading

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Nearly 4AM And I'm On SpaceHey

Category: Blogging

Hello everyone, it is nearly 4am in the goddamn morning and I'm just up on SpaceHey, I stayed up this late not woke up extremely early. Idk why I'm here, but I am XD. Uhhhhh yea idk i have nothing to say right now other than I should probably go to sleep, idk about u guys tho im still on Christmas break so yay :D ok thats all, kthxbye » Continue Reading

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SpaceHey 2024 Be Like

Category: SpaceHey

2024 SpaceHey Be Like "lets start wars over the most pointless thing ever" Lets just ban all the 10 year olds who keep accessing this website and then leaving to go back for Discord and Twitter, restore SpaceHey to its former glory fr. » Continue Reading

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2 Years Of SpaceHey

Category: SpaceHey

It is official, I have been on this website for an entire 2 years. It is strange to think about the fact I've been here for so long, but I am hoping next year will be as good too XD. I will probably begin using this site more especially as I cut down on other sites I am on, mainly the last few remaining mainstream websites I happen to still have accounts on but never use. I mostly post on 3DSPaint... » Continue Reading

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I am going to drop this blog then stop using spacehey for another 6 years

Category: SpaceHey

2021 SpaceHey was better and no one sane can deny it, we need to bring back the glory days of SpaceHey where even the worst drama on the site was practically just a single thread that didn't even get that bad. #TakeBackSpaceHeyOrSomethingLikeThatIdkImTooLazyToDoItMyself » Continue Reading

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Category: SpaceHey

So finally after over 1 year of being on SpaceHey, I decided to just make a darkmode in one night because I was sick of my eyes burning. Yes there finally is an option to not burn your eyes. I will explain how you do it below. Its pretty simple, but you will need a browser extension called Stylus (available on both Chrome and Firefox). 1. Install Stylus 2. Go to » Continue Reading

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Never Take Your Mouse For Granted

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

No seriously, never take it for granted. You will regret it. Trackpad isn't too hard to do what I normally do (3DSPaint and Neocities) but goddamn is it easier with USB mouse. Is this worth a blog? Hell no. Do I care? Hell no still. » Continue Reading

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