Samantha Spacecadet
"Watching time travel shows"
Masshole. I have 2 kids. I like to make art and sing
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Makin moves, makin grooves
Category: Music
Who thinks I should post my song lyrics here? » Continue Reading
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Shitty things and shitty people dont get to have your goodness
Category: Life
Bad memories don't get to keep the things I love. I've been taking back a lot of things recently that were stolen by trauma; things I loved that were turned into triggers. Songs. Places. Activities. Dear trauma: You don't get to keep my happiness. You are shitty. You get to keep the bad parts. My bad memories. My bad feelings. My pain and anger. You do not get to keep the music that makes me dance... » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Life
Mental illness isn't gone because someone is having a good day. Mental illness isn't gone because someone reaches out for help. Mental illness isn't a pinterest post or a wooden sign on the wall. Mental illness isn't something you accept in others conceptually until it inconveniences you. Mental illness doesn't want to make healthy choices. Mental illness doesn't want to eliminate the environment ... » Continue Reading