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27, UK, Pronouns They/Them or She/Her

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3 Comments— 20 Kudos

Pastel Rainbow Request

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Copy and paste code in about me section If you like this style, you can use it in your profile, BUT at least, ADD ME or COMMENT BELOW and give me some kudos! I spent time for making this layout!!! Credits are appreciated (a post, a bulletin or something else that can support me)  You have permission to use this for your Layout only, you don't have permission to post elsew » Continue Reading

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— 3 Kudos

Winter Theme Request

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

I wasn't sure whether you wanted main background semi translucent or not so did code for both Winter Theme Non Translucent Main   body         {background: url("https://thumbs.gfycat.com/HelpfulRegalAustraliancattledog-size_restricted.gif")         no-repeat fixed; background-size: cover;      } » Continue Reading

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— 21 Kudos

Custom Online Icons CSS

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Add the code underneath your existing code . Dinosaur   Sweet Candy .online{content:url("http://dl3 » Continue Reading

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— 6 Kudos

1 Comment— 10 Kudos

Pattern Pink CSS Layout

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

If you like this style, you can use it in your profile, BUT at least, ADD ME or COMMENT BELOW and give me some kudos! I spent time for making this layout!!! Credits are appreciated (a post, a bulletin or something else that can support me)  You have permission to use this for your Layout only, you don't have permission to post elsewhere without giving a link to the original » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 5 Kudos

CSS Layout Prompts

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

If your like me and addicted to coding different layouts here some prompts  Fandom theme (Example: Supernatural, Doctor Who ect) Vampire Goth  Emo  Pastel Colours  Food  Mysterious Mythological Space  Cute  Lava  Water  3 colours themed  LGBT+  Horror Vibe  Disney  Victorian Bubbles  » Continue Reading

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7 Comments— 9 Kudos

Requested Layouts 2

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

If you like this style, you can use it in your profile, BUT at least, ADD ME or COMMENT BELOW and give me some kudos! I spent time for mak » Continue Reading

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4 Comments— 13 Kudos

Fall dino

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

     ðŸ¦•       🦕     » Continue Reading

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26 Comments— 45 Kudos

Requested CSS Layouts

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

If you like this style, you can use it in your profile, BUT at least, ADD ME or COMMENT BELOW and give me some kudos! I spent time for making this layout!!! Credits are appreciated (a post, a bulletin or something else that can support me)  You have permission to use this for your Layout only, you don't have permission to post elsewhere without giving a link to the original crediting me » Continue Reading

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5 Comments— 44 Kudos

Text color change and font change

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Here is the code to change, font color, font style and size. It's not the most fancy but is simple and easy to use  body { font-family: Courier New; font-size: 20pt; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; } h1 » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 4 Kudos

Questions and Answers

Category: Quiz/Survey

Q1 Do you like watching horror movies or reading horror novels? A1 I love both. Seriously horror is one of my favourite genres to read, watch and write. Q2 Have you ever been bitten or stung by an animal? A2 Yes. I've been stung by a bee and bitten by a dog. It wasn't the dog fault tho, it was a dog we were fostering and it had come to us very distressed by what it had endured p » Continue Reading

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7 Comments— 1 Kudos

What appealed to you about SpaceHey that you decided to join?

Category: Blogging

What appealed to you about SpaceHey that you decided to join? for me it was because I was looking for a less toxic platform but interested to hear from others  » Continue Reading

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