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Category: Quiz/Survey

Questions and Answers

Q1 Do you like watching horror movies or reading horror novels?

A1 I love both. Seriously horror is one of my favourite genres to read, watch and write.

Q2 Have you ever been bitten or stung by an animal?

A2 Yes. I've been stung by a bee and bitten by a dog. It wasn't the dog fault tho, it was a dog we were fostering and it had come to us very distressed by what it had endured previously. But once knew all people were not like that was the sweetest doggo on the planet.

Q3  Cannabis should be legalized
Agree or disagree?

A3 Agree. It's still illegal in my country tho. 

Q4 What position do you like to sleep in?

A4 On my stomach. I always wake up on my side, but idk I just can't drift off to sleep any other way.

Q5 What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?

A5 My skin was if food and I kept peeling off bits and eating it. I've had lots of weird dreams, but that one has stuck with me.

Q6 Last emoji you used?

A6 👀

4 Kudos


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Jacob Huntley

Jacob Huntley's profile picture

Love your profile I wish I could remember how to do this stuff. I have my AFI background placed but all the info and crap is covering it up and don’t remember how to hide it behind it.

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