it's about the ways that terfs are being nasty to other women it's over half-way done. btw, i had some fun experimenting with CSS animations for making some spinning text on blog posts. i had » Continue Reading
i'd really like to say that i think it's unfair to act like the radical feminist stance against pornography is in any way similar to the stance against it by conservatives. the conservative argument against pornography is that causes erectile dysfunction in males and leads to "promiscuity" and that it leads people down paths to sexual relationships which they deem "degenerate". » Continue Reading
my heart is really dwelling on the fact that a lot of GC women are trying to define MtFs as a class of people that are socially acceptable targets of sexual violence. if they are actually literate on radical feminism, then th » Continue Reading
their political system is established in their current constitution under clauses written by the former chinese nationalist party known as the kuomintang/guomindang ( formerly chinese, but still nationalist ) with the support of the US and NATO. the reason it’s important to note this thing about the KMT is because they are for all intents and purposes the ruling party of taiwan, and, more importan... » Continue Reading
sometimes i feel like nobody could ever want me, because i’m trans. but then, when it comes to chasers, i often feel like people expect us to be thankful that chasers want us, even more so, folks act like it’s just so unthinkable, not only that some chasers are female, but also folks find it unthinkable that we don’t find any chasers or their behavior to be any less worrisome only because they’re ... » Continue Reading
as all of you can see, i'm nearly done with editing the CSS in my profile. all that's left for me to do there is edit the color palette for the links and tables and stuff. it's inspired by the twitter messenger. in case you haven't already, i am definitely welcoming everyone to check out my writing on substack. you can also find me on twitter as @bugbearTS » Continue Reading