did anyone hear that paramount plus is reviving road rules?? (from mtv) OMGG das my show!! tbh i'm too young to have watched it when it came on, but i started watching real world/the challenge and went back && watched a bunch of road rules szns and LUVDDD it!! so to hear it's coming back.. OMG SO FRIKKIN EXCITED! i just hope that they open up casting, i doubt i would ever ever make it on TV i thin... » Continue Reading
finallyyyy my work week is over! (i work sun-thurs at my full time job but have a part time one on saturday ew). anyway this week was SUPAH busy at work, i busted my tail and got a lot of projects done!! so even tho it was hard and i am exhausted, i feel accomplished! also it's warming up and the gators are out -- we finally got out with them for the first time in a long time and it was gr8!! whew... » Continue Reading
anyone know if we can make albums and stuff? or like how to even click on someone else's pic and enlarge it? i wanna upload pics of me + my life!! » Continue Reading