sooooo i went an sporadically decided to learn css, but the only issues im having are with the interests spot (the background not entirely being black) and the comments sections (theres so comments on my profile, but the left side, where the persons pfp is, is orange). Basically just wondering what codes should be in place in order to deal with those spots. Thanks in advance tho :> » Continue Reading
Soo i kinda have nothing to do today, so i figured now would be a good time to maybe get a better understanding of html coding and sort of redesign my profile :> if anyone has any tips or anything to add, please lmk cus im a noobie » Continue Reading
This is a lil "series" i wanna start, basically journaling all my thoughts because my memory is really bad !!! Anyways, today i woke up at like, 7AM, but only got up at around 7:40, did all the important things in the morning, showered, brushed my teeth, whatever, and got ready to preform at state MPA, which is a fancy band performance thingy. Got to school around 10, which was late, goofed around... » Continue Reading
Ok so nvm im not exactly that tired to the point where i cant write rn, but our band got a superior rating at band mpa !!! If a video ever pops up of the preformance ill definitely post it on another blog, but just wanted to share a lil victory :> i should sleep now... » Continue Reading
Hrhrhrhr im not gonna be able to be online all day ive got a preformance event thats lasting till like 9 at night. Will update probably tommorow what score we get or whatever » Continue Reading