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"sploinky doink"

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I want to learn everything amd be everything!!!! is that so much to asfk for??!?!?!?!??!

Category: Writing and Poetry

i want to understand the stars and how they guide, feel the weight of history in every moment, create art that makes people cry, solve equations that unlock the universe, and just know—know it all, do it all, be it all.but the world feels so vast, and i 'm so small, and time, god, time, it laughs at me. i reach for a thousand things, and my hands close on air. why is it like this? why can’t I stre... » Continue Reading

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Recommend me something to learn about

Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

hey nerds, I want to learn more about random topics—be it history, about some city, a fish's life cycle, something philosophical or about religion, or people— anything at all. Give me a topic to deep dive into, something that leads you down a good rabbit hole! Something that makes you go "Okay,so..." » Continue Reading

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