You can call me Sam, Sara, Ko, or Kanna ! I'm 26 years old, a bisexual nonbinary person who uses she/they, and suck at talking to people but I want to get better at it. I age regress due to trauma and currently have no carer; I will post my poems/links to fanfics I write!! The carrd link is there in case you can't read my profile (since some of the profiles I use may make my profile unreadable or... » Continue Reading
Time started: 5:55pm Date: 1/14/25 Since last month, it has been pretty chill besides practically going out everyday but i've gooten mostly used to it by now. » Continue Reading
Time started: 8:50pm Date: 12/18/24 The past few months have been something else. I have been busy going out to do errands or getting » Continue Reading
Time started: 11:22pm Date: 10/20/24 My day was okay. I went out to eat (which was sensory hell) and had to deal with kids screaming and running around and not many food options (since it's like a Christian food restaurant you go to after Sunday church). The only good things were me getting some nicknacks (one being a small cherry eraser that reminds me of Kakyoin and another being a pig pencil to... » Continue Reading
Time started: 7:39pm Date: 9/3/2024 I cannot catch a break in this goddamn world. Everyone, including me, has been going out practically every day and it is driving me nuts beca » Continue Reading
Time started: 9:42pm Date: 8/20/24 The past few weeks have not been so nice. I had to take some money out of an account and the people there were being nice at first but then I messed up an answer (I was stressed and anxious about my sick relative) Then I called them back a minute later and the guy was super rude and condescending when I asked him why they needed to send in some papers to make sur... » Continue Reading
Time started: 8:34pm Date: 8/8/24 It has been almost two weeks since the last time I got on here but honestly, I have been so stressed out and busy it's pathetic. My gram keeps going in and out of the hospital and having temper tantrums because nothing she wants is done right away or done the way she wants it done. Also, my mom had stayed with us for about a week to help gram since she is now in a... » Continue Reading
Time started: 9:30pm Date: 7/29/24 These past 10 days have been hell for me and my family. So much arguing over things that have happened in the past that won't change anything. I'm mentally drained from it all and she's not all there in her head. The only good thing is that not only did I finally start watching the second season of Tokyo Revengers and currently 2 episodes in (I'll be watching a c... » Continue Reading