They were fine, largely uneventful. But during one of em', the fire alarm went off, and once we got back in the class just... ended lol. Not at it's time, but the Teacher wasn't back for like 5 min. Got an email earlier that she ended it early, so that was nice. I have a few more classes tommorow, so hopefully those are simple just as much. PS: Happy mil An, SpaceHey, the Mods, so on. Ya'll deserv... » Continue Reading
I've been noticing how swiftly the kids idolizing murderers, the gore posters and other such edgy rule breakers have had their accounts suspended compared to the past, and I appreciate you all even more given that you are volunteering to moderate. Their's only four or five of you guys I think (?), and with that context the moderation on the site is handled pretty well imo. So, thank you. » Continue Reading
I was previously accepted into another local university which, don't get me wrong is a fine university, however it wasn't the one I was really wanting to go to. But, as of a few minutes I go, I got an email letting me know that I was admitted to my preferred university! It took a few months and I was starting to get anxious, but guess that was for nothing! Yay :D » Continue Reading
Ok so... this isn't directed toward a particular site, just in general, but anyway earlier I accidentally clicked on one of those fake little antivirus sites which stated that I had no Anti-Virus which, well I do, but I got paranoid that they stole my cookies because I learned that could happen despite me not clicking the download thing. So, I don't think they did, I scanned my phone with Norton a... » Continue Reading
I got a 63 on it. Like I failed the thing. But like... I still got the highest grade. I mean overall, that's kind of depressing lol. And I hate that class... but I mean... I did still get the best grade :) (I'm studying to retake it) » Continue Reading
What the title says! I mean I only had 2, but this one was the hardest one for me. Hopefully I did atleast decently on it and won't have to retake it. Getting Tim Hortons for myself as a little gift! Frozen Raspberry Lemonade ere' I come! (Also first blog post after being here for what... 6 months? So that's cool aswell!) » Continue Reading