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Category: Life
I just got off work, its like 1 am, and I'm about to move into my new apartment while everyone else is asleep. This feels like a weird stealth mission. » Continue Reading
"God< Cold hard American Steel"
19 Leo He/They
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— 1 Comment— 1 Kudos
Category: Life
I just got off work, its like 1 am, and I'm about to move into my new apartment while everyone else is asleep. This feels like a weird stealth mission. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I find it difficult to describe myself. Introducing people is weird and trying to get to know people is like stepping onto a drifting iceberg. There are some things however that I know for certain: My name is Ahz, I'm 19 years old, I'm nonbinary, and my birthday is on the 24th of July. I know that I've had it rough since the first day I opened my eyes, and that I will continue to have it rough unt... » Continue Reading
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