so im always editing my playlists but for everyone around here is my playlist of music I personally associate with the Administrator from the Evil Within 2 (aka the love of my life) » Continue Reading
NGL I super 4got this existed lk i have bad memory oops lollz bt imma try n lk update regularly now i guess? idk im always doing shit alwayz workin idk im kinda all over the place n lk i wana be constant here bt i cant even stay constant on tumblr sorry » Continue Reading
decent start to the year i've already done a bunch of different full piece drawings plus finished a commission! ive never felt this motivated to work on anything but here i am! On top of that I've been fully editing some character shit and actually throwing detail into it! So now the 14 pages makes sense and all of it seems cohesive! What the actual hell is happening? » Continue Reading
f33lin so 3motion4lly dr4in3d, dont w4nt to b3 hom3 4t 4ll. F33ls lk my hous3 h4s gon3 b4ck to b3ing 4 hostil3 3nvironm3nt 4g4in n im so tir3d » Continue Reading