Trying to stay active on other social media but it's hard.
Category: Blogging
I'm on dreamwidth as well but I think this is more for non-fandom stuff » Continue Reading
"Playing tf2"
27, USA
Last active:
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Category: Blogging
I'm on dreamwidth as well but I think this is more for non-fandom stuff » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
I can't believe they banned so many tags because of Apple's stupid terms. 400 tags you can't use or iOS users can't see you and you're flagged as an explicit blog. Just letting yall know how ridiculous this is, it's kind of funny but also not. They put #girl on that list......just bruh moment. » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
So I remember that the profile and pages used to be pretty elaborate. Like you used HTML to customize things. I haven't used HTML since neopets. I'm on my laptop right now, let's see if I can figure it out. Any guides would be cool. » Continue Reading