Heya guys- I just posted a bulletin about this but there is LIVE MUSIC TONIGHT! VIRTUAL FESTIVAL ft. everything from LDN Punk to Los Angeles Pop to Experimental Synth and Norweigan Indie Rock. Here's the story- a couple months ago I was chatting with some of y'all about putting on a virtual music festival. That gave me the confidence to go ahead and throw some ideas out there. Lo and behold, a m... » Continue Reading
Thanks to those spinning the most recent set we're on our way to 2k and really appreciate yer ears and energy- Link to Sennheiser Studio set ... More live this week for Independent Venue Week UK » Continue Reading
Played this set at the Sennheiser Studios in Liverpool for Bay Street Records back in October and figured I'd share the set because we've just hit 1.5k views since last week. Live at the Senn LOVE ya'll » Continue Reading