I'm having so much fun playing a Kids on Bikes campaign with our system and our spouse system. We all get to play and be who we wanna be and it's so much fun! We're doing a campaign that's like a mix of FNAF with evil animatronics, and aliens. We met some squid aliens and helped save some baby squids, and there's an evil corporation. We've been playing for a little over a month and we're getting c... » Continue Reading
Recently I started a farm just for myself on Stardew Valley and I'm not sure who I wanna marry! Harvey reminds me of someone from our spouse system that I have a crush on because he's kinda quiet and nerdy, but I also really like Emily. I think I might just wanna be best friends with her though, instead of marry her. I think I'll put on some good music and play for a little while! » Continue Reading
So um, I'm gonna start adding blog entries to this every day. My name is Bunny and I'm part of a DID system. I'm the youngest and I never got to experience the years of life that belonged to myspace so I wanna try out being active on spacehey! Right now out kitty cat, Momo, is laying in my lap and sleeping. Our system caretaker, Dwight, is making stuffed shells for our spouse system. Things are re... » Continue Reading