Miss Solitary Ocean

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"To new beginnings "

Tarot, Hubby, Cat and Baking Lover

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Mood: Attempting Happiness

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Learning to leave the negative behind

Category: Life

Have you ever had TOXIC, TOXIC people haunt your life? Well I finally was rid of mine once and for all. It was a very difficult situation, but in the end I think it pushed me into some pretty positive situations.  The only issue I seem to be having now is my anxiety going through the situation over and over and over and over. My brain keeps going through everything I should have said or done, or e... » Continue Reading

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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Why is being creative so hard? The ideas are there, the motivation is there and the hope is there. Even when it's something I know 100% I am passionate about, I just can't get there. I know over the last few years my motivation has slipped, and have become easily discouraged, but I am trying to get back on track.  My tarot has really helped me open my eyes and been a valuable tool to get me back o... » Continue Reading

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