Category: Art and Photography
whabam there's a lil selfie with my new tattoos lol also here's some of them right after they were done! Forearm: Zoey @thewoodelf » Continue Reading
"in LOVE"
Canadian Elder Emo
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Category: Art and Photography
whabam there's a lil selfie with my new tattoos lol also here's some of them right after they were done! Forearm: Zoey @thewoodelf » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Oof. So with everything going on with Facebook rn I'm low-key wishing we had an app for this site.. or that it was easier to share memes and selfies on XD oh well I've been over FB for awhile and it's crazy to see that it's been behind a lot of the insanity happening in the world. i mean, I had to let MySpace go, I'm assuming I can let Facebook go. at this point I'm just waiting for an alternativ... » Continue Reading