12 streak get! I've been thinking a lot, and I think I want to start making a game. Nothing too fancy, just something that I could do to get my name out there. It would nonetheless be a massive undertaking since I want to do it all by myself. Who knows, maybe it's my breakthrough to bigger and better things. Nonetheless, I'll put my heart and soul into it. Anyway, today's pixel dailies prompt is:... » Continue Reading
Today's Pixel Dailie has been cursed by me. . . Today's prompt: #HazmatSuit I was laughing at this idea for much too long, and I hate myself for bringing this to your eyes. Please forgive me. » Continue Reading
Hey everyone! Today I thought I'd share a concept that I thought would be pretty neat to implement to a game, which just so happens to coincide with today's theme: #skilltree! This is a skill block, which has 3 basic categories: element, function, and modifier, and all have some sort of interconnectivity. There's a limited space for blocks, so management or ability to hot swap is a necessity for h... » Continue Reading
I decided to take it slow after the last one and got it done in almost literally 30 minutes. XD I had a few ideas to what I could do, but I honestly don't have the energy. Today's prompt: #Organize It's an Organization XIII member. I wonder who it is. I hope you enjoy! » Continue Reading
Quite a long time for a daily project. This day's prompt gave me a bunch of ideas, but I knew in my heart of hearts that only one will stand above the rest, and this one, I went all in. Today's prompt: #Alienweapon This is for all the emo kids! I love you all, and I hope you enjoy watching this short animation. » Continue Reading
Oh geez. I completely forgot! I've had the 6th done forever ago, so I'll go ahead and post it now! Today's prompt: #glowing! Jordie Varrill from Creepshow! If ya know, ya know. Hope you enjoy! » Continue Reading
Today's Pixel Dailies was a massive undertaking and a special one for me as it allows me to reminisce about the good ol days. Today's theme: #TrappedInABottle Watched JoeCartoon for a long time and wanted to pay a little homage to him. Hope you enjoy! » Continue Reading
Super sorry for the lateness, but it's here! Today's theme: #Icy using the IcyWitch color palette! I was kinda racking my brain trying to think of something with Final Fantasy XIV on the brain, and then it hit me... SHIVA!!! Spent quite a bit on trying to bring out detail from the Dissidia NT art as well as form it into her classic pose, but I think I did » Continue Reading
Another day, another Pixel Dailies piece. Because I wanted to do a technique I learned, and it not working as well as I had hoped, I'm going to instead make a tutorial to show people about how neat certain purposeful "wrong things" can actually enhance pixel art. Anyway, today's Pixel Dailies theme is: #CannedFood. Day 4 completed! Even if I'm not feeling » Continue Reading
So, I'm not super proud of this one. I'm only putting this on Twitter and here for posterity, instead of spamming it around Discord like a maniac. It's okay though, because you can't win them all. So for today's topic, here's #Cerberus. I hope you enjoy and stick around for more as I continue with daily word prompts! » Continue Reading
Day 2 of my journey into Pixel Dailies is complete. Today's theme: #twins I went with the concept of the constellation Gemini which typically takes form of twins. Hope you like it. See you on day 3! » Continue Reading
Today, I restart my journey on the road of Pixel Dailies. I'd like to see just how long I can keep up before depression becomes crippling. Mind everyone, I have to do these mostly at night, so my entries are going to be typically for the previous day. Today's theme: #Orb. I decided to » Continue Reading