Hello spacehey. I made this account a while back and I never got around to actually getting it off the ground. So I thought in 2025 let me just come back here and start building this overtime I would love to meet some new friends and have another realm to check up on at this point. A little bit about me. I'm in my mid thirties. I already did the college thing graduated I served in the military for... » Continue Reading
In the depth of our being, Beyond flesh and bone, Lies a spark of divinity, A force all our own. It's the essence of who we are, The sum of our existence, A flicker of light in the dark, A silent voice of resistance. It's the source of our joy and pain, The seat of our emotions, It weaves through every part of us, A thread of endless devotion. It's what c » Continue Reading
Her cup runs over, brimming with demands, A torrent poured from generous, wounded hands. Each misstep taken, a whispered plea for grace, A fragile hope etched on her weary face. The past, a landscape scarred with bitter frost, Yet she forgets the battles dearly cost. To those who bring her chaos, hurt, and strife, She grants a passage, clinging to their life. They lead her onward, a siren's ha... » Continue Reading
A ziggurat of dreams, a spire so tall, Reached for the heavens, answering freedom's call. Brick upon brick, a testament to might, A single tongue, a shared and burning light. But envy stirred, a serpent in the clay, As unity's bright promise started to decay. The powers at hand, with jealous, watchful eyes, Saw in that tower a threat to their own lies. A people bound, a strength they couldn't ... » Continue Reading
So the sleeping giant is finally awake. I've been on this page on and off lurking for the past year and just finally got around to updating it. It would be awesome to make a few friends on here and see how everything goes. Feel free to reach out and keep in touch :) » Continue Reading