I never see 7/11s anymore there's like one that i know of near me and thats it!! i used to know of at least 5 and they mysteriously closed down D: i miss their slurpees so much 7/11 will forever be best gas station im so sad I'm not sure if its just an Australian thing and 7/11s are alive and thriving in other countries but its still really sad to see T-T » Continue Reading
sometimes when it rains i look out the window and i see soggy pigeons and it hurts my heart. with their little beady eyes n stupid faces they look so sad n wet n cold. all i wanna do is buy a large mcdonalds fry and give them the feast of their dreams. pigeons are smart i think they probably know when you walk by them and forsake them. they probably remember ur FACE! pigeon lives matter too check ... » Continue Reading