[loud train noises] [andre de shields voice] ALL ABOOOOOOOOAAARD today, upon a very meaningful listening moment, i have decided i want to have the first dance in my wedding to the sound of Epic III ("they danced...") (linked below) (pls let me know how good that is of an idea) (im also open to other suggestions regarding which moment of the wedding i should have the song played on) (the song's pre... » Continue Reading
today i went to a bar with some of my friends, and we played a game called shitty decisions, in which we get to choose between two shitty situations named by cards. we didn't think it would be a big deal, but eventually reality started to be questioned as we stumbled across some very inciting situations; first of all, would you rather have to fight 50 chihuahua-sized bulls, or one bull-sized chi... » Continue Reading
i don't know how to delete the song autoplay from my profile and i have come to realize i hate that song profoundly. can somebody help » Continue Reading
this is actually amazing i wish child me had a blog as cool as this one. anyways hi! if any of you can figure out how i can change my friends space in my profile from the right side to the left i would be very grateful. #shalom » Continue Reading