today i went to a bar with some of my friends, and we played a game called shitty decisions, in which we get to choose between two shitty situations named by cards. we didn't think it would be a big deal, but eventually reality started to be questioned as we stumbled across some very inciting situations;
first of all, would you rather have to fight 50 chihuahua-sized bulls, or one bull-sized chihuahua? that one was so much more dividing than we thought omg. there was actually no consensus as to which option was the least worse, but one of my friends said the bulls were easier because she could just jump on them and squash them one by one. which was. jarring
then, would you rather spill a cup of boiling hot tea on your brand new computer or on your genitals? another one that was surprisingly not unanimous, but that same friend said that she'd rather tell her mom she melted her pussy down and needs medical assistance than tell her the new laptop has been boiled. which i guess makes sense, but i think i still care more about my genitalia than my macbook (now that i'm typing the word macbook i'm starting to question if i really do.)
lastly, and i'm awed to say this was the only unanimous question in the whole game. would you rather not ever be able to fold your arms again, like a lego toy, or have to do the n@zi salute everytime you want to greet anyone for the rest of your life?
the argument that won everyone over was that you can't drink beer without folding your arms. i don't really want to go on further about this. but just know it was the beer. and also being able to wash my hair.
anyways today was just very fun and i'm also very excited about having a blog (:D) so what would be your take on these? could a third-degree burn on your dick hurt less than $3000 on a new laptop? idk
#feeling confused
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