I'm so tired :( I don't want to go to school tomorrow School is bad, even though it makes me smart and my friends make me laugh, I don't like going there, I feel like a robot receiving intelligence about the world ;( I have body aches and I can't miss it, I've already missed it many times;-; I hope tomorrow is a little nice because today was terrible._. » Continue Reading
Heyyy, Dude, I've stopped to think how hard it is to make friends in person For me it's very difficult to socialize, but on the internet it's really good to socialize:p it's easy and fun It seems that I have no difficulty socializing, I think it's because I don't need to look people in the eye, socializing in person makes me nervous and shy because I get confused with my words I love socializing... » Continue Reading
Then white chocolate cake instead of dark chocolate cake, nobody likes white chocolate cake (English version) I love memes of floptok ;---; » Continue Reading