Storytime. Once upon a time, in 2021, with Thai BL industry blooming, a TV host, BL actor, and LGBT activist with a telling nickname Saint (passport name: Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana; in Thailand everyone has a long passport name and a given nickname for daily usage) decided to say "fuck you" to every market trend, and make a good Girl Love show. His intentions wer » Continue Reading
Full disclosure: I did not have a very good time on "Old Web". Granted, I wasn't there during "true golden time" (90s-early 2000s), of the "catalogues and travel blogs", but starting from around 2008 and onwards. I stumbled across a lot of things I shouldn't have stumbled across. Engaged with early hate content (yes, it was there, the algorithms just weren't able to push it down everyone's throat ... » Continue Reading
How it feels now - I am not yet sure whether I will use spacehey for blogging, or to store links to other blogging spaces. I am in the process of discovery and I am taking things slow. My main obsession now - introducing people to the beauty of (mostly) German open source internet. I, in an oddly strong way, want everyone to get a chance to appreciate it. » Continue Reading