I just finished up on the cover the mixing could be better but yeah i like it Alice in chains - Dam that river cover im wondering on what i should cover next I also learned some new techniques but they still need some refining anyways see ya » Continue Reading
OKIE so the alice in chains cover is coming along well i just need to add vocals. Im interested in possibly playing in a live stream soon but ill need to plan that out with my fellow band mates. BUT non the less we are planning to release a NEW SINGLE YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA » Continue Reading
Im working on making a couple more covers in the next month or so but im most likely going to start going towards originals but still cover some songs idk but im grinding and hopefully il make some progress with the group ill keep yall updated » Continue Reading
covered some alice in chains and nirvana loved the man in the box cover im working on a full cover for Dam that river with my drummer friend New vid THE YOUTUBE » Continue Reading
i forgot to post this last night i was exhausted BUTTTTTT i took some photos while i was in san antonio and some while on the road it was amazing ^_^ OH i also found a amazing gutair shop there my phone died so i could take photos :( it was amazing though played a left handed telecaster and a gibson explore i need to go back : » Continue Reading
Been pondering like a mad scientist and kinda made up my mind on what i should cover next most likely pearl jam or alice in chains if i can get my friend on board i also have been helping in a music project im in we're trying to expand our genre and range we already have som things out but non the less ill stay posted on any updates byeeee :> check us out if yall are interested ^_^ -------->https:... » Continue Reading
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aepyGkOAYY We were messing around with the idea at first but commented i think is ight. Excited to play more since we formed a lil group. ill keep yall updated » Continue Reading