It's a knife
Category: Writing and Poetry
It's a knife. (February 20) It's a choice to love someone for three years, to fight for a place in their life, even if it means losing your own. And every time, » Continue Reading
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Category: Writing and Poetry
It's a knife. (February 20) It's a choice to love someone for three years, to fight for a place in their life, even if it means losing your own. And every time, » Continue Reading
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Category: Writing and Poetry
Late Lamentations (February 11) Today I decided to visit my summer ghost, the one I abruptly killed, causing myself a pain I never imagined feeling for a being that never belonged to this mad world of mine, even before taking from him the make-believe life that, in my dreams, I had promised. I screamed, bled streams, I took my own life as well, singing an off-key melancholy song. » Continue Reading