Category: Blogging
My birthday was January 7th and I celebrated it with my friends on the 11th here are some photos :-]. » Continue Reading
"Cat dead, details later"
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Category: Blogging
My birthday was January 7th and I celebrated it with my friends on the 11th here are some photos :-]. » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
These are pictures of the different outings I have taken recently :-]. Pretty stores! One of my favorite activities is going to richer areas and looking at all of the stores; usually, I am attracted to antique, witchy, and bookstores. » Continue Reading
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Category: Art and Photography
As the subject text suggests, I am quite fond of birds!!! Here are an assortment of bird photos I've taken from the end of 2024 in no particular order. I'll put my own caption as well as filling the caption on the image options because I'm nervous the latter one may not show up. I have MANY more photos so in order to avoid making this post extremely long I will put these in parts. lol » Continue Reading