Blog 1:fav fashion games
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
Hiii! For the first blog I thought I’d give my recommendations on fashion games 1. pastel girl: this is more of a kids game than anything, but if you want a more » Continue Reading
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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
Hiii! For the first blog I thought I’d give my recommendations on fashion games 1. pastel girl: this is more of a kids game than anything, but if you want a more » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Hiiii! I just mad this account an hour ago after seeing the cutest reel about this app. I love the retro feeling about this app. When i made it, i struggled with the layout for about 30 minutes, then saw the “blog” feature. Immediate glitter. I decided that I’ll regularly make blogs here. I’ve always wanted my own blog anyways and the more the years go on it seems like vlogs have ta » Continue Reading