today I felt much better than in past few days. I got up early in the morning to meet my friend. we went to a shop to buy some asian snacks like buldak noodles. we spent a HELLA LOT of money lmao. then we went to their place and we were watching part 6 of jjba all day. I read manga before anime came, but didn't have time to check out the anime. actually part 4 and part 6 are my favs. funny thing,... » Continue Reading
I almost didn't have any sleep last night. I was worried about my uni, work and hobbies. And this feeling doesn't go away, I'm so nervous and paranoid god damn >:( I think I'm kinda scared of my future, that it will be very difficult year for me and I have so little strength left in me. » Continue Reading
I was coding almost all day. The most frustrating part that I was asked to do thing without telling me what exactly it should do and how it should be developed. "go I know not whither and fetch I know not what" for lunch I made simple but really tasty dish. fried egg with a runny yolk and with cabbage. I'll write down my recipe if som » Continue Reading
last night I have decided to reduce my phone time. some kind of experiment how would I feel without it. I can't not fully get free from digital devices because my major requires working on pc. so last night I turned off wi-fi on my phone and put it far away from my bed. I didn't even set the alarm. today I woke up in silence and peace. I checked my phone, there weren't any notifications. clean sc... » Continue Reading