Learn the difference. It doesn’t matter how many options you have if none of them are worth choosing. People will message you daily, like all your pictures on social media, comment on every status you post and they will give you the “illusion” of choice. Don’t let social media and this hook-up culture fool you. Theres not many good choices nor viable options out there in terms of dating in thi... » Continue Reading
One of the rare ones. My thoughts on love. It's becoming such a rarity this day and age to find someone to fall in love with and actually stay in love with. People seem to forget how beautiful it is to grow old with someone, to build with them, and to witness someone's progression and to conquer obstacles as a team instead of facing them alone. I guess you could say there's not enough thrill i... » Continue Reading
TO THE GIRL WHO THINKS SHE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH, here’s what I learned recently! You are good enough to experience real dates, Flowers, chocolates, a bottle of wine, and a late-night drive to Star Gaze. You are good enough to be called baby, honey, sweetheart, darling, mahal, my boo, and other endearing terms. You are good enough to have a long-lasting relationship. You are good enough to be trea... » Continue Reading
Some men aren't for you. What I have learned recently! Ladies this is for you. They don't want to love you properly at all, but at the same time they don't want to let you go. The more you give to them, the less they unfortunately appreciate, and the minute you've had enough and decide to walk away is when they are ready to love you and treat you right. So you decide to give them a chance in t... » Continue Reading