So alot has happened since my last post... NOT!. just same old same old. lol. so for this post im gonna be talking about the day i had. the i day i had was reall great. in a bit im gonna talk ablout it in a lot more detail, but juuuust bear with me for a sec. what was the first thing i did when the clock read 12:00 on feburary 24? Well, the first thing i did was smoke weed and listen to muszic in ... » Continue Reading
The Ice breaker inspired by the disgraced prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, has not worked in my experience. I attempted to "break the ice" with someone at my school by asking if they wanted to see me do a push up. I assuredly thought they would say no and I would not be forced to do a push up but to my surprise!!! they!!! said!! YES!! OMG! Obviously you don't want to put yourself in a sub... » Continue Reading