Yk the thing is that I’m such a romantic to the point that I don’t even want friends I just want to meet my soulmate bc at the end of the day who’s gonna know me better ? who’s going to get my humor better ? Yeah exactly. Idk Im just being all silly and unsocial. Anyways today was good, I mean I’ve been waking up at 5 since sunday to workout and today I took a day off, I mean I went to school but ... » Continue Reading
I cant be the only one who finds online friendships better than irl friendships. I mean the thing enjoyable about it is that you can text them whenever you want without feeling obligated to talk to them, you can enjoy their company without the unnecessary drama of friend groups and you dont even need to go out. On top of that, irl everyone is so judgy but online I feel like people aree nicer- I me... » Continue Reading