Greetings, Creatures of Creation. For those who don't know, Love2D is a game engine using lua. As of typing this I'm near the end of creating an exact replica of pong. All I have to do now is create the ball and have it bounce between the paddles/borders/tiles. Hoorah! Remember to have a nice day! » Continue Reading
Managed to get "Children of the City" by Mili to play in the background of my page by using someone elses code for an autoplayer. Took me like 20 minutes to figure out how to actually make it play by default. (could've been subverted by simply reading the API but I digress.) Loud as heck though, I wonder if I can set the volume to be lower. » Continue Reading
Dear Creatures of Creation, I DID IT. I got the main content of the profile to be on top of the background! I had to set the containers position to "relative", which I had already done several times before. The issue came from me setting the "Z-index" value. The web page is shrunken slightly, however I have no idea how to fix that. I don't think it's padding, though I may aswell try. I will also t... » Continue Reading
Greetings, Creatures of Creation, I just realized that the formatting that I use on my profile DOESN'T CARRY ONTO THE ACTUAL PROFILE PAGE . I have to re-type it all. Annoying, but such is life. Remember to have a good day. » Continue Reading
Maybe I should put this in the web/html category? Anyway, Dear Creatures of Creation, I'm trying to get my profile to not look mid (the transparency looks awkward.) Will try some solutions while simultaneously learning HTML . Profile is based on The Index » Continue Reading