One of the best things I can have in my life is creativity, and wanting to save money too (especially living in Brazil). Unfortunately, international purchases are taxed here and the tax is usually quite high, and I wanted to buy some furry warmer legs, one beige and one white, but when I looked at websites like Shein, Aliexpress, Temu, etc., the price was VERY HIGH! So I thought: what would be be... » Continue Reading
So, I've been on this site for two hours now, and I'm in love with it! It's so Orkut coded and I'm sure I'll always be online just to decorate and see my account just showing a part of my personality! But I think people could also be more active, it would be sooooo nice , like, if there was an app or something... but I love it! (edit: i just found out there's an app lol... but is true! people nee... » Continue Reading
desde que eu me tornei uma gal, percebi o quanto as pessoas me olham "estanho" por eu parecer diferente do que elas já viram, não tanto pelas roupas, mas pelas maquiagens e e algumas vezes pelos acessórios, mas normalmente é por eu estar usando polainas no calor (já que é verão) ou por ser negra... MAS EU NÃO LIGOOOO☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ amo chamar a atenção pelas loucuras que eu faço nas roupas ... » Continue Reading